Email marketing as a powerful communication tool

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Email marketing as a powerful communication tool

Post by suhashini25 »

Many people see email marketing strictly as a tool to generate sales, but the reality is that it is much more than that, as it is also a communication tool . In this post we will see what are the pillars that make e-marketing so useful for communication.

Communication channel
PROCESSThere is no doubt that Email Marketing was born to create a link between consumer and company . A union that is nothing more than a process of information exchange, in which a sender (company/brand) transmits something to a receiver (subscriber) through a channel (email) hoping that, later, a response from said receiver (purchase) will occur. Therefore, we can speak of Email Marketing as a outlook email lists communication channel , since it is evident that it allows us to communicate with our subscribers, followers and clients. It is also interesting to take into account how it has evolved in recent years, achieving better and much more efficient communication. And it is currently one of the most important digital communication channels thanks to its conciseness, immediacy and convenience .

We often spend a lot of effort trying to attract new customers and forget to pamper and pay more attention to the ones we already have. At this point, Email Marketing can be a very powerful loyalty tool thanks to its communicative capacity. The subscribers who receive our email marketing campaigns are people interested in what we offer: whether it be products, services... and that allows us to communicate to them precisely what they want and possibly need. It is an opportunity to get them to be loyal to our brand (loyalty) and, at the same time, to keep us in mind as soon as they need something that we are offering .


Product/Service Communication
This is the feature that we are all sure to have noticed the most. Email Marketing is the perfect showcase for communicating everything related to our products and services. It is its most marketing aspect, since after achieving the communicative act, what is sought is to create a conversion and therefore a sale. It also allows us to show special offers and attractive discounts instantly and directly to a long list of contacts who are potential customers because they already have a prior interest in what is offered.

Corporate and brand communication
example-email-marketing-03-450x450Email Marketing is also a powerful corporate communication tool , as it allows us to communicate information about the company itself: events, conferences, contests, awards, celebrations, successes, congratulations. These emails will help us to contribute to brand awareness and position ourselves in the top of mind of users.
People unconsciously build an image of the companies we know, and unfortunately this is not always the same as the image that the company wants to give. Through Email Marketing, we can make the image that users have of our brand/company more similar to what we have in mind. At the same time, it will help us to have more control over its reputation.
In short, it is important to stop seeing Email Marketing only as a tool to achieve sales, as its possibilities go much further. If we break the barriers of our mind and the preconceived ideas that we have, we will contribute to it evolving much more and going on to have new uses that benefit our company and its activity.
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