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Google Destination is Born: The Mobile Travel Agent

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 5:42 am
by shakilhasan15
Do you have an idea for your next vacation, a maximum budget for flights/hotels and want to book everything quickly from your smartphone?
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Google Destination is the futuristic solution that Mountain View is launching for the summer of 2016 : it is a series of functions integrated into the Smartphone search that are activated by searching on Google “Place / Area of ​​vacation + destinations”. In fact, Google Destinations (GD) works like a digital travel agent: fast, complete and frighteningly intuitive.

First of all, GD helps you understand, knowing brazil telegram phone number list you are starting from (your smartphone tells it where you are most often = therefore where you live) when it costs less to travel to a holiday destination, showing you at a glance more destinations and itineraries, allowing you to set the parameters relating to costs and travel periods.
And it will all be done within Google (App or browser) on your smartphone.


The trigger is the word DESTINATIONS - here's a demo of how it works using a Samsung S5 Android OS and the Google Search App.