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M for Measurable

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2024 7:20 am
by Decjkf
Specifying the requirements necessary to meet the objective can help us know if we are being realistic or not . If, when writing the requirements, we realize that one or more of them are bordering on impossible at the moment, we can quickly understand, without wasting much time, that we need to make corrections.

When working on requirements, we must also indicate the israel girls whatsapp number actions that are required. Be careful: do not set tasks but specify actions. The term “actions” is broader and leaves room for an explanation that covers entire processes , with tasks and subtasks.


Also important, the actions described must be actions completely under the absolute control of those responsible. That is, actions such as “increase” or “reduce” are not the most useful terms in this process , since they are related to final results that are occasionally outside the control of those responsible. Therefore, it is better to use words such as “update”, “write”, “provide”, “maintain”, among other verbs more appropriate to represent actions that teams or individuals can take.

You're probably tired of reading that everything measurable can be improved . And the reality is that it's true. Metrics help us understand the real state of the activity. In the case of objectives, being measurable allows us to know if we have achieved it or not, how far or close we are .

Only metrics will give us certainty about our progress. Anything outside the available data is speculation. So the “M” is an essential part of defining the goal.

When choosing a metric, you need to take into consideration that you will have access to the data you need to measure. For example, if your metric is the number of users visiting your company's website, you need to make sure you have access to tools like Google Analytics that collect navigation data on your website or mobile app.

When it comes to data access, make sure you talk to everyone involved. Perhaps the marketing department needs to share data with the sales team or vice versa in order to be able to use the chosen metric within the objective.