Customers: To find them, you must first know who they are

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Customers: To find them, you must first know who they are

Post by mahindra »

It is no coincidence when you feel like a message or content is created specifically for you.

It means that, somewhere, a marketer has done his job well, taking the time to understand your goals, needs and objections: he has built the so-called buyer persona . He has studied real customers like you to orient his business and marketing strategies to the involvement , conversion and loyalty of new buyers ( like you ).

Now, that marketer has understood that there is one rule that no company can escape: know your customer .
Organizations that take the time to do this avoid the trap of selling to the wrong people at the wrong time.

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Yes, because this is the fundamental point from which to start to set up an effective strategy – marketing, sales, lead generation. If I asked you point-blank “Who are your customers?” , would you be able to answer me precisely or would you hide behind a “Everyone is my potential customers” ?

The point is that your business must be clear about who you are going to introduce yourself to from time to time; shooting in the crowd is a very effective technique if you want to waste time and resources, while if you want to optimize and maximize your efforts, you should outline your buyer personas.
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